Private Referrals

Practice Policy for the Provision of Private Referrals

Southside Road Surgery are happy to assist our own registered patients where requested by writing referral letters to private clinics, where appropriate.

However, we need all patients to be aware that once the private letter has been written the organisation of the appointment is entirely the responsibility of the patient.

Southside Road Surgery will not:

- Contact private clinics on your behalf 
- Arrange private appointments
- Make any arrangements such as transport


Here are some resources which you may find useful: - website detailing all the private providers in the UK
01463 705 639 - Private consultants available in Inverness at Raigmore Hospital - 01224 595 993 - 0330 135 5081 - Private Clinic in Aberdeen - 01224 515 254 - Private Clinic in Aberdeen - 0131 334 0363 - Private Hospital in Edinburgh - 0808 159 0502 - Private Hospital in Glasgow

Private Referrals - Information for Patients

What happens when you see a Consultant privately?

We understand that some patients will opt to have some or all of their treatment privately, and we support your right to do so.  However, to prevent any misunderstanding, we would like to take this opportunity to explain how the NHS and General Practice work alongside Private providers of care.  This leaflet describes what you can expect to happen if you see a doctor privately.

Private Referrals Leaflet